How to Increase App Downloads

September 24, 2018

So you’ve built a great app, but you can’t seem to get anyone to download it. Poor download numbers can be a problem for any app and it’s hard to know whether users either aren’t seeing the app, or they’re seeing it and not liking it.

Fear not! There are actually a number of factors that could cause download numbers, and each of them can be addressed.

This article will discuss some of the biggest issues that prevent users from downloading an app, and find a way to address it.

Poor App Store Optimisation

How can someone download your app if they can’t find it? Users won’t download an app they don’t find – that much is obvious. So how do you make sure they can find it?

App store optimisation (ASO) is the key to any successful app.  A poorly optimised app will have difficulty ranking in any searches, making it difficult for users to discover without searching specifically for it.

Optimising your app’s metadata, descriptions and creatives, you can improve your app’s rankings for relevant keywords in the app stores – which is essential for discoverability and achieving your download targets.

Poor Descriptions

How you know people are finding your app, are your descriptions making them want to actually download it? Are they making it clear why they should download it?

A good app description needs to explain the app’s features and benefits in an informative but engaging way to really encourage users to install it. Too many apps fail to see the importance of this, failing to fully even explain what they do. This makes users uncertain as to whether or not they’ll be useful or relevant to them, and thus less likely to make the download.

Your description needs to be concise and readable. Try using bullet points for its key, unique features that list what it does and sum it up with a call-to-action.

Poor Creatives

Your screenshots and preview videos are what is going to really sell the app,  so they need to be impressive. Each creative should sell a different feature or aspect of the app to users, accompanied by “callout text” that incorporates keywords.

You can upload multiple screenshots and each one is a visual opportunity to tell a potential user something important about the app.

It’s important to remember that a bad video can damage downloads just as much as a good one can help them, and you’ll want to ensure the screenshots you use will really engage users.

Poor reviews

Reviews are so much more important than you might think, and even on bad review can put a downloader off – especially is it claims the app has in any way damaged the device upon download. People trust fellow users, which is why reputation management is so important.

If you do get a bad review, be proactive and reply to the user to to install trust with downloaders. Hiring a digital marketing agency can help with him.

Whether it’s the description or creatives turning them away, the poor reviews or maybe they’re just not finding it in the first place, you can increase your app downloads with some optimisation and damage control.