The Study Says Medical Marijuana is Likely to be a Cure for Alzheimer’s

December 16, 2018

Alzheimer’s is one of the brain diseases that has not been found until now. A study says medical marijuana has the opportunity to be a cure. Is it true?

David Schubert, the senior researcher from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, United States, conducted a study to see the effect of the substance Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana for the brain. It was found that the effects of delusions and hallucinations produced by THC were able to get rid of the bad plaques in the brain that were suspected to be the cause of Alzheimer’s.

“It can be concluded that medical marijuana has the potential as an Alzheimer’s drug,” Schubert said, quoted from CNN

Schubert said he had been doing research on Alzheimer’s medicine 10 years ago. Initially, he conducted research on curcumin, a compound commonly found in ginger, turmeric, and ginger.

Curcumin has the effect of reducing inflammation in the brain and reducing nervous system death. Further experiments found this effect appeared to coincide with cannabinoid effects such as hallucinations and delusions.

Finally, the study was transferred to medical marijuana and was devoted to looking at the THC effect on plaques that caused the death of nerve cells in the brain. Schubert emphasized the use of medical marijuana in the right dose can reduce the death of brain neuron cells and slow the appearance of Alzheimer’s. The best medical marijuana can be obtained at licensed producers Canada.

“Unfortunately, not much can be done for this research because regulation prevents us,” he said again.

Keith Fargo, director of the Alzheimer’s Association program, claimed to support the research of Schubert and his colleagues. According to him, medical marijuana can be an alternative treatment option for Alzheimer’s, which until now is still very minimal.

“This research provides additional understanding of the brain system and how cannabinoids work,” he said.

Even so, not all experts agree this research continues. Dr. Donovan Maust, a mental health expert from the University of Michigan, said research about medical marijuana is always interesting. Unfortunately, the results of his research so far are not always clear.

“Maybe there really is little benefit to removing plaque. But it must be noted also the effect of using marijuana on other body parts,” he said.